Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor

Exhibit or sponsor at I2MTC 2025. Network with top leaders, and learn industry trends. Contact us now.

Partner with I2MTC 2025

The IEEE I2MTC conference has been held around the world every year since 1986, and in 2025 it will take place in Scotland; the event gathers every year more than 400 international attendees including delegates from academia, undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students, researchers and professionals from the industry with different technology backgrounds.

This event is the premier opportunity for companies to reach the global thought leaders in instrumentation and measurement - to market products and services to engineers developing and using instrumentation and control systems and academic researchers developing the next generation of sensors, measurement techniques, and standards.

Our Audience Breakdown

*Data pulled from the 2018 to 2024 conferences.

  • 25%

    Industry & Government Involvement

  • 45%

    Attendees from IEEE Region 8

  • 35%

    Young Professionals

  • 40%


Amplify Your Presence and Maximize Your Impact

Explore Opportunities

Levels of Support€1,000.00€1,500.00€2,500.00€5,000.00€7,500.00
Tabletop Booth11122
Full Conference Registrations   124
20% Discounted Conference Registration   
Listed as exhibitor/sponsor on conference website , PDF program, proceeding, marketing, emails   
Identified as sponsor on signs during the conference 

Additional Sponsor Opportunities 

Conference App Sponsor (€6,000) 

  • Acknowledgement on the Conference Landing Page 
  • Acknowledgement on the Login Credential Email 
  • Acknowledgement on the App Signage 
  • Your logo will be displayed on all pages of the Conference App 
  • Table Top Booth 
  • 1 Complimentary Full Conference Registrations 
  • Listed as exhibitor/sponsor on conference website , PDF program, proceeding,  marketing, emails 
  • Identified as sponsor on signs during  the conference 

For More Information 

If your company would like to be an exclusive sponsor or if you do not see the opportunity you are interested in, please contact

Make a Lasting Impression

Interested in Exhibiting at I2MTC?