Best Paper Awards

I2MTC 2025 Best Student Paper Awards - Rules

Student Best Paper Award will be selected based on the review process of the submitted student paper followed by visitation (by judges) during the Poster presentation delivered by the student

  1. During the initial submission, authors must check the box that says “I would like to be considered for the student best paper award” and the paper category must be marked as a student paper in EDAS.
  2. The paper must be primarily the work of the student even if there are multiple co-authors involved. The student must be the first author of the paper.
  3. The student must attend the conference and present the paper in the Poster Competition. To this end, the student must be registered by March 3rd. 
  4. The student must attend the Award Ceremony & pick up their certificate in person. Failing to do so will result in forfeiting the award.

The paper must be of high-quality content and be favorably reviewed by the I2MTC 2025 Technical Program Chairs.

I2MTC 2025 Best Paper Awards - Rules

The Conference Best Paper Award will be selected based on the review process of the Submitted papers followed by visitation (by judges) during the presentation (oral or poster) of the candidate papers.

  1. During the initial submission, authors must check the box that says “I would like to be considered for the best paper award”.
  2. At least one author must be registered by March 3rd & attend and present at the Conference in person
  3. The author must attend the Award Ceremony & pick up their certificate in person. Failing to do will result in forfeiting the award.

The paper must be of high-quality content and be favorably reviewed by the I2MTC 2025 Technical Program Chairs.

As a reminder all award winners are required to be present at the Awards Ceremony, otherwise, they forfeit the award.